Monday, September 24, 2007

#7 Technology

Technology is really speeding along these days with the advantage of being able to purchase all these new fan dangled appliances which are designed to save money (in the long run), marriages (nice try), and your sanity (if you can figure the god-damned contraption out!!) Basically it's a matter of "keep up or get left behind" so keep up we try and do, although it is not always easy. So... my two favorite aspects of today's technology are the Digital Camera and In Car G.P.S. Navigation Systems.

I choose the Digital Camera because I really think this comes as close to the "best thing since sliced bread" as it gets. Remember the days when you would load a film into the camera and for the next 6 months, maybe more maybe less depending on how Snap Happy your feeling at the time, and simply hope for the best. How many times have you wasted the last 5 frames on the film just so you could take the film in to be developed and discovered you hadn't loaded the $*#@*?? thing properly in the first place. Tears and tantrums because all those special moments you thought you'd captured, gone forever. With a Digital Camera this will never happen again, take the picture, view it, if it's no good delete it and take another. God Bless The Digital Age.

The G.P.S. comes a close 2nd in the sliced bread contender because I think this little gadget may actually come close to saving marriages. I'm sure you have all at some time or other had the experience of trying to navigate through city traffic (especially if you are country folk) and not having a clue where you are going and the person next to you has no idea how to read a map. Sure to have an unhappy ending. With a G.P.S. even it you do take a wrong turn, it will get you back on track again without having to stop at the next Petrol Station to ask directions and get more confused. Stress free travel, I rest my point.

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